Arduinodroid is the android OS arduino IDE developed by volunteer. Actually USB to Serial communication problem was to solve for this. Android devices specially tablet are very popular nowadays and cheap (Ah the best thing for tinkerers). Although surprisingly nobody is paying serious attention to integrate these.
New board like udoo , beaglebone-black etc are coming but still these dont have all the things my tablet have. Above other it is with me and arduino is with me. In my tablet I have WI Fi, bluetooth camera etc. but i dont have arduino interface and iteraction.
Even when I buy a cape display for beagleboneblack it is expensive then the Beaglebobeblack itself. On the other hand you can have good tablet around. 5000 to 600 Rs only. If I Buy bluetooth shield for arduino its expensive than Arduino itself
Arduinodroid is one step forward. to use cheap android device.the tablet have suffiecient MAH battery to power the arduino. Offcourse the arduino is very energy efficient deivece and that is favourable.
when we connect the arduino (I use duimilove ) it starts nice.
Ok now we remove the arduino and install arduinodroid from google play. It installs SDK and avrdude. the default code loader to arduino is avrdude. On my tablet the avrdude created problem and uploading of codes to arduino was a failure. I changed uploader in settings to internal uploader. Ah it uploaded code to arduino perfectly and instantly.
there are plenty of examples in the arduinodroid, you can acess farom file>>examples. IDE is good and understand syntax. Colors in written code works nice and wwe can manage code efficiently.
Although there was quite delay in compiling of code, sometimes it got hang and we had to restart the IDE to compile the code. I dont know why it happened but it require improvement.
we uploaded the led blinking code and other. I could not find the input from aarduino console. If someone can find pls tell me so that i could see the temprature from my sensors.
it gives us freedom to program the arduino from tablet. Yes we need the other means to utilize the display and wifi of tablet through USB on android mobiles so that we could get rid of expensive and buggy shields.
In the last dont forget to change jumper when you switch USB powerr to adapter power in arduino.
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