Story of Birth Certificate india

To the great pleasure of human is the birth of new member to family. the time span of nine months is just not just to enjoy the news but of utmost care. Its time for one to read all about the pregnancy and note all the critical situations to cope with. The developing India has yet to do a lot on the pregnancy and child birth. the ninth month is mostly filled with the anxiety and utmost care.
Its time for one to read all about the pregnancy and note all the critical situations to cope with. The developing India has yet to do a lot on the pregnancy and child birth. the ninth month is mostly filled with the anxiety and utmost care. The whole family involves in carrying out the safe delivery. No to take any chance most of the doctors prefers  operation. which is almost 15 minute task. But after that with the happiness of newborn the utmost care is necessary and done by the family. 3 to 7 day care in the hospital is recommended. In our case it was 7 days. one person was required at the hospital for the 24 hours with patient on for cooking food and other works in Indian scenario. and the Birth certificate is compulsory on re-leaving from hospital after 7 days the doctor provide the birth details on the hospital letter pad and showing that we can apply for the Birth certificate in Nagarpalika or panchayat. As a basic action I searched information regarding the birth certificate online. In google i also got link for "apply online for birth certificate" but it was for the "united states". Then i browsed to the indian goverment site and went to my state "Uttranchal" Link for the birth certificate.

the content of which was the highlighted text. -----

Obtain Birth Certificate: Uttarakhand


Any Indian citizen

Concerned Authority

  • Town Area: Nagar Palika
  • Rural Area: Gram Panchayat


If the child is born in a Hospital then a letter given by the hospital has to be produced and if the child is born at home then an application has to be given to Nagar Palika. For obtaining Birth Certificate, duly filled Form-1 needs to be submitted along with the hospital certificate if applicable. If the registration is being made after one year from the date of birth then an affidavit has to be submitted.

Necessary documents/papers

  • Hospital Certificate
  • Affidavit
  • Form-1 which is available at Nagar Palika


Rs. 20/- for the issuance of Birth Certificate

As it is clear that I could apply for the Birth Certificate within one year from the date of birth so I paid attention to more challening things after birth of baby. and after two months I went to the Nagar panchayat office in the BHEL which is the concerned agency to issue the certificate. In the panchayat office I was told that I could apply directly after 7 days of the birth. and now the affidavit to be submitted duly  signed by ADM. I reffered and showed them the print of the  Goverment website as highlighted above but they refused to do any thing. They showed me a cutting of paper according to which the Birth Certificate was to be issued within 7 days of the birth.

I emailed the problem on the email adressed provided by the Inian Govt Portal Site. but no reply found. I searched various document online about birth registrar but find nothing. In the end I went to the court and get prepared an affidavit.  We went to the SDM/concerned officer  for the sign but instead of telling our panchyat adress he reffered it to the kankhal haridwar office.

We went to the kankhal he refused to register the application as it was not his area. We came to our panchayat. our panchayat office refused and told to sign and refer againg from the officer.

We went again and this time he (Concerned officer) reffered to our panchayat office. Our panchayat office demanded 100 Rs as fees but no reciept was given. on the indian goverment portal site the fees is Rs 20 as highlighted above.

If there is rule to isssue the Birth certificate within 7 days of birth then why period is 1 year on the govt. website. if it is 7 days then why the govt is not concerned about the business at the time of the birth. Birth certificate is for good record and better adminstraion of india. It is for the beneift and comfort of indian citizen. Then why this all procedure is so complicated and senseless. For betterment of service online system should be there who can apply online line in US.

End of story 1 


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