
Showing posts from October, 2012

Einstein's God

Quote 1:   "It was, of course, a lie what you read about my religious convictions, a lie which is being systematically repeated. I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it." Quote 2:  "nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honorable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish." A letter in German language written to Gutkind expressing personal views about God in 1954 sold for above 3 million $. Why it is so important letter ? Einstein being the genius in physics and changed the way we think about space and time. Being a genius celebrity and having the such a nice overview of our nature may present the best view about God. Einstein is supposed to be the believer in GOD ...

Tablet selling sites list india

Tablet selling sites in India   : online tablet market :: onepoint tablet startup    choose country india    "Choose INR indian rupees"    "no buying option yet" Top Indian review site for tablets. Additional Comments: :: M...

A robotic thinking

Today on the way one observation pop up in the mind. The similarity in the baby learning and robots. The baby have in gene basic instinct of learning an copying. the baby is plane/clear mind. He copy stores make an algorithm and so principles and experiments again. By experiments it takes feed improve its database and try again. This is the way of learning. The universal way of  learning. In humanoid computers learning ----  The analogy with human parts,and movement control is basic frame for robots. Watching the moves and copying the moves is the next step. All the physical parameters and the feedback with respect to successfully carrying out the activity will generate the feedback. Repeating, improving and storing the correct moves is the key autolearing process of the humanoids.

A nostalgic story of village

In recent news from the india express (link) the china has implemented a time bound science literacy program for the china farmers. Started in 2005 the science literacy rate has raised from 1.5% to the 3.27% still low but a great achievement. This all is to compare china with the developed country and to raise the productivity and quality by raising scientific aptitudes in the farmers. Off-course the china is far ahead of india. The scenario in india is different. In India there are small farmers and the farm output and value are less for their livings.literacy rate is low and science litrecy rate is very very low. Lets talk  the ground situation in reference to my village. 20 years ago In my village all (almost) were dependent on the farming. The sugarcane be the cash crop.Most people were vegetarian and main protein source was milk and cereals as now. Ghar (where live) and Gher (where animals and other agricultural tool kept) and jungle (tube-well) were the three points w...

toffee and rupee conversion story

Its hard time for Indian economy.  inflation is high, food price index is up. coal gate has checked the power sector growth.  To cope up with the sloth condition of Indian economy the Government of India has attracted the FDI in retail and other sectors of India economy. Actually the Govt is under enormous pressure of various subsidies provided to common man ( Mango Man ). These subsidies result into the deficit of Government accounts. The value of rupee depreciated to the record low to about 56 Rs/Dollar. = Toffee = ? =??? Rupee depreciation !!!! is that ? I tell you the real story of rupee depreciation of common man (Mango People) in our republic (Banana Republic called sometimes). Although the rupee is getting strong after the reforms by government but the rupee of the common people still depreciated. Now a days on most of occasions when we go to a shop and buy ...

Story and Review of Yamuna Express way india

We were excited to run on an  international standard expressway from Noida (New Delhi) to Agra (Tajmahal City). The scene at the entry from the Noida was nice --- A circular way and a view of  garden. At the time of entry the printed instruction set  and advertisement of the upcoming F1 race was given to us. We read the instructions and started the journey. We started running our car and the speed was hundred considering safety rules as per instruction provided. Divider plantation work was going on and the ambulance were patrolling throughout the highway. The whole length of the highway is wavy-up-&-down. there are a lot of under pass. The Buddha circuit looks spectacular from the expressway. For first 20 Kms the developing Greater noida scene was there. Both side of expressway you will see various multistory buildings under construction and various project sites. The Jaypee Sports green one of them. As per the program by governme...