toffee and rupee conversion story
Its hard time for Indian economy. inflation is high, food price index is up. coal gate has checked the power sector growth. To cope up with the sloth condition of Indian economy the Government of India has attracted the FDI in retail and other sectors of India economy. Actually the Govt is under enormous pressure of various subsidies provided to common man ( Mango Man ). These subsidies result into the deficit of Government accounts. The value of rupee depreciated to the record low to about 56 Rs/Dollar.
Rupee depreciation !!!! is that ?
I tell you the real story of rupee depreciation of common man (Mango People) in our republic (Banana Republic called sometimes). Although the rupee is getting strong after the reforms by government but the rupee of the common people still depreciated.
Now a days on most of occasions when we go to a shop and buy some goods for example 86 Rs items. we give the shopkeeper Rs 100 Note there are 95% chance that we will get the 4 Rs Toffee back, not the coins for 4 Rupees.
This practice of shopkeepers is very common and very common excuse coins are not in the market. shopkeeper normally sells hundreds and thousands of Rupees of toffees to customers and earn profit on the opposite side the customer loose its money and money value. Customer do not get the coin and run out of coins. This vicious cycle goes on and on and on......
Does it implies that now coins should be vanished and RBI should print toffees in place of coins.Rs 10 multiple economy should be endorsed. OR the shopkeepers should be fined. The country contains the 33% of BPL (Below poverty line). Our govt taking big steps. Is there somebody to look after these petty things.
A shopkeeper gave me toffee inplace of coin. I asked for coin from shopkeeper then he replied arrogantly (and boastfully) that nobody ask for coins you only asked he tried to make me inferior.
The shopkeeper who gave me the toffee in place of coins was talking to his supplier when i was leaving shop. Shopkeeper told his supplier that x supplier gives Rs 2 cheaper and better you why dont you.
Hell !!!! the shopkeeper cares his one and two rupees but not of customer's money. One question ---- wil the shopkeeper give us commodity in exchange of the toffee? I decided not to go that shop again. But we are surrounded by this system. Yes rupee has deteriorated for me the mango man and for businessman/shopkeepers it is still appreciating.
Our market is full of the negative practices it may be toffee case or Roadways bus halt at out station Dhaba , De-subsidizing Gas, Saling products at higher than MRP etc etc.
Government should ensure a shining Rupee or enable us to buy commodities in exchange of Toffees by passing a law in the parliament.
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