Use of anticeptic liquids for bath and handwash.

Now a days TV's are full of advertisement boasting use of anticepting harsh liquids for use in bath and handwash. Is this good to use these? Do we really be safer and far from disease by use of these?

The cruel anticetic liquids attacks thebiomolecules of bacterial and virus destroy or arrest them up and wash with water. These liquids or soaps are less harmfull to our cells.

Our science is progressing day by day and adding more information. Till now we used to know very less about the microscopic life and how it helps us humans to live safer and healthy. Our skin has a number of bacteria virus and fungi. Some are very heplfull in maintaining the cell health and work them nicely. Other have harming effects. As long as our skin have the higher amount of benefeciary micro-organism we are safer. The equillibrium balance define the healtness of our skin.

Using the harsh antiseptic liquids on the skin also damages the benefector bacterias and regrowth of both types of microorganism again define health. If the harmfull microorganism exceeds in a region of skin the disease comes alive.

So what ? shouldn't we use the antiseptic. Answer is yes and no both depending upon situation.

1. As hands are exposed more we should use handwash with antiseptic as chance of harmfull bacteria there more.

2.For bath :  If we work in enviroment where there is more chance of harmfull microbe infection  we may use sparingly. two times a week for bath.

3. If we work in a good atmoshpere we should use normal mild soap.otherwise there are chances for the harming microbe outgrowth.


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