Story of Vicky Donor - Angular view

India is a land of diversity with different cast and creed. population density is very high and interaction is so striking that every body try to search his identity. every shade of skin its available, dark to white. it its very evident that the Indian society was framed on skin color. The Varna System by Manu. White skin with top ranking. Every body trying to establish their superiority. the film makers sometimes try to make profit from the production of a community projecting film.  over a normal view the film establish the superiority of the  punjabi genes. Indicating them as superior Aryan race.People not knowing the frenz boaz proved theory may feel a race classification, the concept from which the world is fighting and in Indian scenario which is very weired.

The scientific angel we get is that we are all homo sapiens. Each person having a uniqueness. Each community best adapted and adjusted to various living enviroment on the earth. Very long time exposure to the radiation gave a dark skin evolution etc. etc. Nobody is superior no inferior. So have a special happiness in this.


image used courtsey

-----------------------------End of Story.--------------------------------------


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